Thursday, July 25, 2019

Medical Law and Ethics and How We Use it in our Day to Day Tasks at Essay

Medical Law and Ethics and How We Use it in our Day to Day Tasks at Hospitals and or Radiology Sites - Essay Example Thus the Laws of Medical care ought to be use there. The uses of these Laws straighten relationships between doctors and patients, especially in the Radiology department where human being diseases is diagnosed. However, this development has in no small measure has caused d policy makers, doctors, and lawyers at national and international level a tremendous challenge of teaching medical students on legal and non-legal health care process with ethical background. In a Hospital and Medical health care centers, being a Radiology site or any department, doctors and other health workers are bound to these Medical Laws, while they are expected to treat patients according to these ethics. First, they should stick to the confidentiality; in no circumstances they must not reveal the health condition of patients. They most adapt to the Law that the health condition is only the patients own personal problem. "We are also required by Law to protect the privacy of your protected health information and to provide you with notice of these legal duties. This notice explains how, when and why we typically use and disclose health information and your privacy rights regarding your health information". (HIPAA Notice for the Medical Center). Additionally Law has made it incumbent upon health care pr... The forefront duties of doctors and other health care personnel's should adapt to the uses of Medical (Health) Laws. First, they should stick to the confidentiality; in no circumstances they must not reveal the health condition of patients. They most adapt to the Law that the health condition is only the patients own personal problem. Doctors and other health worker always should ensure the protection of patient's disease record, by only informing the victim about the right to enquire about his condition. "We are also required by Law to protect the privacy of your protected health information and to provide you with notice of these legal duties. This notice explains how, when and why we typically use and disclose health information and your privacy rights regarding your health information". (HIPAA Notice for the Medical Center). Additionally Law has made it incumbent upon health care provider to keep record of health status of patients. The essence of this is for the provision of quality care now and in the near future, or for as long as possible. However, there are certain circumstances which Medical Law has given mandate for doctors to disclose the state of health information especially in the Radiology site of Hospital, which include treatment. They can give the state of health condition of a patient to specialist, and other necessary agents. This is to ensure the speedy recovery of a patient. In Radiology site, Law has allowed them to disclose the state of health of patient directly to him in request for payment of bills, including insurance and other companies that the patients receives treatments. Medical Law also allows the Radiology

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