Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Evolution of Rap Music essays

Evolution of Rap Music essays All one has to do is simply observe their surroundings to realize the huge impact of rap music on todays society. The way people dress, talk, and act have all been influenced by the cultural phenomenon known as rap music. Almost every aspect of American culture has been or is being influenced in one way or another by rap music. Lets use driving as an example. While at a stop light roll down the car window and odds are rap music is being played by at least one, if not all, of the surrounding cars. Music television stations, such as MTV, BET, and even The Music Box, seem to stick mainly with playing rap videos. I think it is safe to say that rap is the preferred choice of music for most of Americas youth. Over the past twenty years, it has become an important fixture in American society. Its funny to think that at one time rap music was thought to be nothing more than a fad that would go away as times changed. Rap music has had its ups and downs, but, through it all, has bloss omed into a multi-billion dollar industry with a massive following. To those who arent familiar with rap music, Dictionary.com defines it as, A form of vocal music in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment. While this is an ok definition, rap music is so much more than just rhyming lyrics with musical accompaniment. Cheryl Keyes, a rap historian and the author of Music in American Life, defines rap music as, Rhythms and melodies that give a forum that addresses the political and economic disfranchisement of black youths and other groups, fosters ethnic pride, and displays culture values and aesthetics. Modern day rap music emerged in the early 1970s from the gang and crime infested neighborhoods of the South Bronx in New York City. However, rap musics roots can be traced back hundreds of years to Western Africa. As a matter of fact, Asian, European, Latin American...